Visit of the President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Prof. Klaus Mainzer in Slovakia

Prof. Klaus Mainzer, President of EASA (left) and Prof. Štefan Kassay (right)
International Center of Education - INTERCEDU is an educational institution established with the aim to share the latest information and valuable knowledge from renowned professors and experts in the fields of science, research and innovation. The INTERCEDU was founded in 2020 by Štefan Kassay, distinguished professor, scientist, writer and successful entrepreneur who dedicated 30 years of his life to engage in various experiments and strategic planning in multinational company. The emerging competitive environment in today's global marketplace requires constant attention and a prompt response to many challenges and changes that take place not only in the production process but also in the business environment. INTERCEDU team sets goals to fill this gap and comes up with the idea to create new educational ecosystem linking science with practice.
Interview with Prof. Klaus Mainzer moderated by Prof. Štefan Luby
Dialogue between PhDr. Lucia Škvareninová and Prof. Klaus Mainzer
INTERCEDU offers to publicize important EASA’s members through its communication channels worldwide. Recent financial crisis exacerbated inequities that intensifies Europe’s vulnerability. The economic crisis has significantly deepened intra-European inequalities. European cultural diversity cannot be confused or replaced with these inequalities. Very positive move was adoption of the of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) by European Commission in December 2010. At the same time, there are increasing bureaucratic regulations of European politics, but the real innovations must consolidate economies, even in peripheral member countries. Otherwise, there is a danger that Europe will be marginalized on a global level. Reflection to all these topics can be found in Prof. Kassay’s pentalogy ,,Enterprise and Entrepreneurship‘‘ published in five languages, distributed to all Embassies of the Slovak Republic abroad. This way, the message ‘’symbiosis of science and practice’’ based on verified results of Professor’s business experience can be spread throughout tguhe world.
Lecture given by Prof. Klaus Mainzer, INTERCEDU Headquarter in Limbach
Professor Štefan Kassay’s Foundation for Support of Science and Education has been already disseminating progressive thoughts in science and education for more than 20 years. The main aim of his Foundation is to support either groups or individuals to promote science and education. The Foundation is involved in a wide range of activities; interconnected mainly with the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Since the beginning, the Foundation focuses on publishing activities, and publishes the books by distinguished authors. At the same time, it organizes scientific conferences and symposium. The cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic has brought fruitful results through dissemination of cultural values, significant scientific works and popular science works in the field of science and education in many countries, where the Ministry has its representative office or during the special representative occasions abroad. The cooperation with the European Academy of Sciences and Arts is very important, especially all publishing activities or other forms of scientific activities. Such cooperation is particularly significant because of the possibility to create a prestigious brand representing the highest quality under the auspices of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and its cooperation not only with Veda publisher, but also other publishing houses from the European Union and Asian countries. It is an important step for the Slovak members of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts to form and support their publications and publishing activity in the spirit of the mission and main goals of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Over a period of twenty-one years, almost one hundred professional scientific publications and conferences proceedings were published.
Large Gold Medal for support of science and education is handed over by Prof. Štefan Kassay to Prof. Klaus Mainzer
Professor Štefan Kassay’s Foundation for Support of Science and Education awarded Prof. Klaus Mainzer by Large Gold Medal for his lifetime achievements, for the application of mathematics in the context of human development, for special merits in science and management in a meaningful complexity achieving progress in artificial intelligence (AI) research and development, for excellent performance in the role of President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. The main intention of Prof. Kassay even in the past was not only to show the necessary procedures to assess the real situation in the company, not only to explain how to calculate the number of employees needed to operate the production line and precisely determine required knowledge to operate devices, but also to verify my theories tested through practice. Based on indicated realities, there is a new opportunity of how to present the scientific results of the members of EASA; it can be realized through interactive popular science medium. Prominent EASA’s authors from the fields of science, research and innovation will be introduced to students, scientific community, but also to general readers. By bringing together EASA and newly formed institute INTERCEDU that behaves in a modern way combining science and education, effective coalition with similar visions and desired outcomes can be build. Such partnership can also help to increase social efficiency on the international level.
Prof. Klaus Mainzer, President of EASA, and Prof. Štefan Kassay, President of INTERCEDU, a.s. are signing the Memorandum of Cooperation between the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and International Center of Education, INTERCEDU, a.s.
In cooperation with the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg, INTERCEDU will promote important works of authors and the members of EASA, Nobel Prize winners and European scientists through electronic popular science medium. Due to the high erudition of Academy members, it is possible to fulfill requirements for academic journal indexing in an abbreviated process. INTERCEDU offers EASA to process the content of scientific articles, which will maintain the qualitative parameters of the content of EASA’s classes and present EASA as a source of knowledge in the European area, based on multimedia support and cooperation. It can be done through interactive popular science medium – journal called Spacetime that introduces prominent authors and their latest scientific results in the field of science, research and innovation. New discussion program moderated in English is expected to be formed with the similar scenario as Štefan Kassay’s Guest under the roof of INTERCEDU in cooperation with EASA. The program would reveal new horizons into the world of scientists, innovators, EASA’s professors and academics, their actual scientific work and activities. The program would be frequently produced on a monthly basis and disseminated at portal. INTERCEDU has already processed the Statement on the Escalating Covid-19 Pandemic of the EASA’s President, Prof. Klaus Mainzer, scientific article with the title: Reintegration of Capitals and the Emerging Global Governance by Prof. Dr. Erich Hoedl, and other common activities that help to promote such important European institution. All scientific articles are available on INTERCEDU portal in English and Slovak language. The official visit of the President of EASA, Prof. Klaus Mainzer was realized according to prearranged program. Most of activities, such as presentations, interviews and negotiations took place in newly constructed headquarter of INTERCEDU, in Limbach (near the capital city Bratislava). Professor Štefan Kassay introduced proposals for cooperation. Both Presidents agreed to sign the Memorandum of Cooperation between the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and International Center of Education.