Presentation of Štefan Luby's book, Our National Academy


Presentation of Štefan Luby's book, Our National Academy. SAS, Small Congress Center, Štefánikova 3, Bratislava, 12th October 2022.

The program was moderated by Mgr. P. Kolník, who welcomed the 65 guests present, namely: prof. MUDr. Ján Breza, DrSc, president of the Slovak Medical Society, Msgr. František Rábek, bishop-Ordinary of the Armed Forces and Armed Corps of the Slovak Republic, prof. RNDr. Pavel Šajgalík, DrSc., chairman of the SAS, prof. PhDr. Ing. Štefan Kassay, DrSc. the chairman of the Foundation for the Support of Science and Education, prof. PhDr. Jozef Leikert, PhD., chairman of the Club of Nonfiction Writers, prof. Petr Michalica, teacher, violinist and his wife Mgr. Art. Irena Michalicová, director of the Ján Cikker Museum in Bratislava, doc. PhDr. Dušan Čaplovič, DrSc., ex. the Minister of Education of the Slovak Republic, prof. Ľudovíta Hološka, acad. painter, author of illustrations, prof. MUDr. Pavel Traubner, PhD. with wife, for the family of the author JUDr. Mgr. Martina Lubyová, PhD., ex. Minister of Education of the SR.

In the opening words of prof. Š. Luby at the first post-covid inauguration of his books, he thanked the present and excused medical doctors, e.g. MUDr. K. Novorolský, MUDr. Pavlov Chňupa, for their self-sacrificing work for the health of the people and especially for their contribution to managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

He thanked prof. Š. Kassay and his Foundation for the sponsorship and  the Publishing house of SAS – VEDA, its director JUDr. Milan Brňák, as well as editor Emil Borčin and editor-in-chief Pavol Kršák for their help and participation in the editing and printing of the book which he presented in the PPT slides.

Ing. Peter Lobotka, PhD. read the samples of the text of the book.

In the music program, prof. P. Michalica, violin, Mgr. Art. I. Michalicová, piano and Otília Havlíková, violin, played four opuses: 

● A. Vivaldi, Four seasons, part Winter, ● Michal Vilec, Romance, ● Béla Bartók, Transylvanian Dance, ● Charles Gounod, Ave Maria.

Š. Luby thanked the musicians and handed over a contribution for the repair of J. Cikker's piano in the Museum. Reviews of the book were presented by prof. MUDr. Ján Slezák, DrSc., Emil Borčin and prof. PhDr. Táňa Sedová, PhD. The book was inaugurated with short greetings by prof.  J. Breza and prof. P. Šajgalík.  This was followed by an autograph session and refreshments in the adjacent premises.

Fig. 1 View into the hall, in the foreground J. Breza, J. Slezák, P. Traubner, and J. Wagner

Fig. 2. Moderator P. Kolník

Fig. 3 Š. Luby presents the book

Fig. 4 P. Lobotka reads samples of the text

Fig. 5 P. Michalica, I. Michalicová and O. Havlíková during a musical performance

Fig. 6 Editor E. Borčin

Fig. 7 T. Sedová presents her review

Fig. 8 J. Breza and P. Šajgalík bring the book to life

Fig. 9 J. Leikert, M. Rábek and D. Čaplovič in a interview

Fig. 10 Š. Kassay in a interview with J. Feranec

Fig. 11 Š. Kassay and J. Slezák

Fig. 12 M. Lubyová and V. Farkaš

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